Child has 40% Brain loss from Left Temporal/Parietal Sensory/Motor/Occipital Lobes.
With a lot of intensive therapy over 15 years, he can use hand but has difficulties: (1) Extension of Wrist, (2) Fine Motor Extension/Flex-ion Combinations of the Fingers, and (3) Adduction of the Thumb (Abduction is there), but has (4) Dystonia of the elbow.
This hand was dead vegetable and shriveling, and after a lot of therapies, it was brought to this state. One could have cut his hand for up to 6-12 months, without the patient feeling any pain. Bringing wrist flex-ion and extensors was the hardest, and took for ever.
I need the following glove shown as Input Device from the Right Working Hand and the Hand needs to have a Toggle Switch to disable this feature when working on itself - using Right Hand to control itself and not control the left hand at that time.
We do not need the mechanized hand here.
Then I need the output, from where the wires from the above glove to go into the left hand radial/ulnar nerves on left forearm and palmer area. This means their needs some implantation or - some kind of EMF coupling with embedded electronic device, so that the skin is not left as an open wound.