Friday, April 18, 2008

A Must See UFO Documentary for Every World Citizen

President Regan said on few occasions, that what if there were any threats from some alien civilization(s) from outside in the Space, then perhaps all the Earth Citizens would unite together, forgetting their own individual differences, animosity and hatred, and shall join hands to fight the pending threat for the survival of their own kind and the mother Earth!

How appropriate it would be cover the subject of UFO in this Blog to unite the Earth Citizens to go back and shed their differences and look for the commonness we have together. All hate mongers, religious fanatics, and terrorists, listen and see for yourselves, it is not worth any fighting, but evolve ourselves to love each other and accommodate each other, so that we can prosper together and learn and develop technologies that match of these UFOs', so that one day, if we have to deal such an encounter, we would deal from the power of strength and not from the power of weakness and the lack of any choices. Hope that encounter is peaceful and does not have any show of strength and violence, and shows compassion for each other. Please spread the word.

The nature of a men caught in the ego centric satisfaction derived with an absolute power that corrupts absolutely is to cater to few of themselves at the expense of the common masses' welfare. These individuals think they have the right to decide the fate of all of us, and know everything, and in turn they control over their power and money by all means.

President Eisenhower warned of this group - the so called the Industrial Military complex, which also covers all the power brokers who get the fundings in the name of Science and Technology. See the posting on the Cold Fusion Politics.

UFO Coverup Documentary - Out Of The Blue Part 1/9

UFO Coverup Documentary - Out Of The Blue Part 2/9

UFO Coverup Documentary - Out Of The Blue Part 3/9

UFO Coverup Documentary - Out Of The Blue Part 4/9

UFO Coverup Documentary - Out Of The Blue Part 5/9

UFO Coverup Documentary - Out Of The Blue Part 6/9

UFO Coverup Documentary - Out Of The Blue Part 7/9

UFO Coverup Documentary - Out Of The Blue Part 8/9

UFO Coverup Documentary - Out Of The Blue Part 9/9

UFO Coverup Documentary - Out Of The Blue Part 9/9