Saturday, May 17, 2008

Do Vibrations Have Shape?

In Tantric Meditation, not the lower-form of Tantra which is very popular in the West, and has come from the primitive days of man as a forest dweller, use "Yantras" or "Rangolis" to help raise their Consciousness - the vibration level of the Individual Self.

Everything in nature is fundamentally a vibration, including gravity, atom, electricity, etc.

Now if you see Rangoli, you will see the same patterns here in the video. Also look at Google Image Search on this Other Images, and one who is used to seeing them or has acute visual perception and memory, would realize some patterns are almost the same. So how did the ancient Hindus, and specially South Indians, could imagine these patterns? There are only two answers, either they had advanced the knowledge like us, or their seers did mind experiments like Einstein did, and came to conclude the pattern of 3D Wave being trapped in 2D World by a Surface of Water, which is 2D, where the 3rd Dimension is constrained because of Gravity and Mass (if this was Space, one would not see the oscillations and sound would not travel as well).

The following video mentions about the Chapter on Genesis, which begins with the famous line, "In the beginning there was nothing but the Word..". All religions go back to Hinduism, including Jews, before divisions creep in, the same concept is there about the word AUM, and Brahma dreamed of the Universe, and uttered AUM, and there was this Universe! The meaning of AUM, AMEN and AMIN is the same and in one of the Upanishads, it says, 'the World is in the Word', and 'the Assertions and Affirmations are in the Word'. So when one says, AUM, it saying "Yes". "So be it", "That will happen", and the meaning is the same when one says "AMIN", and "AMEN". See Quantum Reality.

Tjis is an excellent video to understand Spherical Harmonics (3D), Schroedinger Equation, Lagrange's Numbers, and even Gravitional/Electrostatic/Magnetic Potential Soulutions in multi object/charges/poles.